Have You Tried These Relaxation Techniques For Anxiety Control?


Millions of people around the globe are fighting mental health issues. Some eminent writers have also called mental disorders the plague of the 21st century because of their effect on people around the world. According to research, only in America, around 52.9 million people are suffering from some kind of mental health disorder.  Anxiety and stress not only destroy your mental health but also affects your physical health as well. People with anxiety and stress disorder are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure and severe heart conditions. 

The topic of mental health has become more relevant in these pandemic stricken times. Due to poor mental health, many people around the globe are unable to perform the most basic daily tasks efficiently and face a lot of problems both in their social and professional life. ​​In the words of the great American Humorist Josh Billings, “there are a lot of people around the world who spend so much time watching their health that they do not have any time to enjoy life.” 


What is Anxiety and Why Controlling Anxiety is Important?

One of the most common types of mental illness is anxiety. Anxiety is a state of mind marked by tense sensations, concerned thoughts, and physical changes such as elevated blood pressure. People with anxiety disorders usually have repeated intense thoughts or feelings.  Anxiety may have a negative impact on your health. Patients with anxiety who are not detected early on might have a miserable life at work, at home, and in their relationships. If a person has an anxiety issue, he is more likely to have physical health problems as well. As a result, when you manage your anxiety, you’re also looking after your physical well-being. The majority of people who seek help notice significant improvements and have a better quality of life. 



How Can Anxiety and Stress Affect Your Physical Health?

When we experience anxiety, our emotions and mental health aren’t the only things that suffer. People with chronic mental health conditions may also experience serious physical impacts that emerge in several ways. Some of them are stated below:

1. High Blood Pressure

Anxiety can produce a substantial, short-term increase in blood pressure. While there is no substantial evidence that stress causes long-term hypertension, these short-term elevations can cause harm to blood vessels, kidneys, and the heart. Additionally, people who experience anxiety and stress are more prone to turn to bad habits such as smoking, drinking, and overeating that might contribute to hypertension. 

2. Sleep Issues

Getting enough sleep can be challenging for individuals who suffer from anxiety because it disrupts their sleep cycle. Sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain, immune system disruption, and potentially heart disease.

3. Continuous Headaches

Headaches are a typical symptom, and often a reliable sign of anxiety disorders, the most prevalent of which is generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Recurrent headaches, like chronic pain, can make it even more difficult for those with anxiety to function or work.

4. Myocardial Infarctions

Rapid heart rate, palpitations, and chest discomfort are all symptoms of anxiety disorders. You might also be at a higher risk of developing heart disease. Anxiety disorders can also increase the risk of myocardial infarctions if you already are a heart patient. Through relaxation techniques, a person can calm his mind which is good for the heart. 

Relaxation Techniques to Control Your Anxiety:

Breathing Technique

Hyperventilation is when individuals with anxiety experience rapid breathing. They exhale more than they inhale which lowers carbon dioxide from optimum levels and raises oxygen levels more than required. Avoiding hyperventilation can be beneficial for someone suffering from anxiety to learn how to breathe through their diaphragm rather than their chest. Allowing your stomach to expand as you breathe in is crucial. Place one hand on the lower part of your stomach and the other on your chest to check sure you’re breathing properly. When you breathe correctly, your abdomen moves instead of your chest. This technique can help you in calming your nerves in difficult and anxious situations. 

Cognitive Therapy

Cognitive therapy focuses on altering thoughts, beliefs, and habits that are linked to and provoke anxiety. A person with social phobia may worsen their anxiety by thinking about the negative people in their life. Through different cognitive procedures, a person can confront harmful fears and ideas, and keep negative thoughts aside. 


Humor may lift your spirits and be a beneficial tool for someone suffering from an anxiety disorder. By alleviating tension, humor may help you deal with the situation that is making you anxious. Humor can also help you to heal and empower yourself, as well as keep your cool in stressful situations. 


Everyone is aware of the benefits of yoga for mental and physical health. Yoga is known  to help with the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. There are different types of yoga asanas that can help a person in coping with anxiety and some of them are listed below:

  1. The Camel Pose: This pose can help a person in relieving stress as well as improving blood flow to the brain. 

  2. The Cat-Cow pose: In this pose, a person stretches his back, and the tension in the spine is released. Once the tension is released, the person feels calm. 

  3. The Corpse Pose: This is a popular yoga posture for alleviating depressive symptoms, tension, and anxiety. This is a relaxing yoga posture that may be done at the end of a session. While in the corpse pose, one can also practice meditation. It soothes and calms your body.

Mindfulness Meditation

A person’s stress and anxiety levels can be reduced by practicing mindfulness meditation. Meditation aids in the relaxation of both the mind and the body, lowering stress levels. Mindfulness Meditation is also beneficial to the brain. A person can learn to manage their thoughts through meditation.


Millions of people around the globe are suffering from anxiety-related disorders and these disorders can affect your physical health as well. Through different relaxation techniques, a person can learn to lower his anxiety levels and calm his mind. 

Read More: How Meditation Boosts Memory and IQ?

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